But let me reassure you, there are several processes that have been launched, and so were confident that we can move at speed to really help simplify the group through the disposals. The enshittification of apps is real. We will run processes. The key here is really to give that business its own industrial project, its own identity. Catherine Fiamma MacGregor is an Influencer, https://noviocean.energy/novigenews-oeec-startup-award-green-tech-net-zero-future, https://www12.senado.leg.br/ecidadania/visualizacaoideia?id=167822. MacGregor joins Engie as it embarks on a major push into renewables and clean energy. Renewables showed continued progress and overall operational resilience to COVID with organic growth of 11% in 2020. Its coal exits. I think thats clearly something the market will be expecting there. Aarti Singhal - Director of Investor Relations. Biography. Significant growth is also expected in the use of renewable gases to accelerate the energy transition. Minority interests were lower mainly due to lower contributions from our listed entities in Latin America and to the scope effect of Glow. Katherine MacGregor - Wikipedia So to summarize, ENGIE made progress at pace in 2020. Engie - Franzsischer Energieversorger berzeugt uro am Sonntag" mit This is one of the largest renewable PPAs signed with an industrial group in Belgium and demonstrates the growing appetite for PPAs from a broader range of customers. This was also driven by higher operational contribution of Brazilian assets and by improved performance from Middle East gas contracted activities. Comptences clefs . So that is roughly what you have to have in mind. Now the markets are looking at the remaining energy services. Do you have a vision about taking this proportion of minorities down for the group? Aged 48 and a graduate of cole Centrale Paris, Catherine MacGregor began her career at Schlumberger in 1995, where she spent 23 years in important positions on all continents. Net income group share stood at negative 1.5 billion. A short stay for a rich experience and deep learning. And weve made some moves last year, and we will continue to do that. Holidays ? You have to keep in mind, about 200 million of that were related to SUEZ, which is now gone, of course. Supplies offered a net COVID impact of roughly 290 million mainly due to lower consumption, bad debt and lower B2C services. So I think this is a key point Id be interested in. Dans ce poste prestigieux et trs expos politiquement, elle succde Isabelle Kocher, partie le 24 fvrier 2020 et remplace provisoirement par Claire Waysand. January 7, 2021. We have progressed on simplifying the group. Im Aarti Singhal, Director of Investor Relations at ENGIE, and welcome to our 2020 annual results conference call. But ENGIE shares have gone, lets say, sort of sideways and even down a bit in that time. And then, of course, in terms of Thermal, we will be very opportunistic. We have strict criteria, and we will stick to them. So in general, we have 31-gigawatt portfolio. Its going to take us some time. This really has two reasons. Here's a bit more, on climate change and from a few years ago, but still relevant. Catherine Fiamma MacGregor on LinkedIn: ENGIE 9M 2022 Financial And second, its really focused and making sure that everybody pulls in the same direction. Organically, these evolutions were slightly better. However, the gross COI evolution was negative 125 million mainly due to foreign exchange. Regarding COVID, our projections assume restrictions similar to the fourth quarter 2020 and a gradual easing over 2021. Compared to 2020 guidance, Im pleased that both EBITDA and COI stood above the ranges we indicated last summer. What an insightful stay in India this week starting with a technical conference on #hydrogen #certification at #IndiaEnergyWeek then meetings with 7 industrial players developing hydrogen projects across #India. You mentioned that you would also phase out coal in district heating. Dans intrt de la France, We do think that we have quite a specific signature within ENGIE, and we do like our gas assets. Solvay Alpharetta celebrates Black History Month. Every Friday at a quarter past 10, the fire alarm. Okay. We also suffer from the same crisis and have also contributed to this, especially in the Corona years. Elle est alors nomme prsidente New Ventures de TechnipFMC. The 3 gigawatt that we commissioned last year is in our key growth market for renewables, namely the U.S., Europe and Latin America. Thank you very much, Aarti, and good morning, everyone. In addition, her appointment as a board member of Engie will be proposed for approval during the General Shareholders Meeting in 2021. Estabelece ainda cotas 50+ proporcionais a populao para preenchimento de vagas no setor pblico. Regarding Client Solutions project backlog, we recorded a total increase of 5% since December 2019, representing approximately 13 months of activity. Altogether, these units can contribute to a yearly production of up to 3.9 terawatt hours, equating to the annual gas consumption for hitting approximately one million new build homes in France. And then the last thing I would want to mention, too, is on the positive side of this decision, is this will help us reallocate some earmarked, lets say, CapEx into, again, our growth opportunities in Renewables and in Networks. This change led to an impairment, which Judith will cover shortly. Yes. On May 18, 2021, ENGIE's Chief Executive Officer Catherine MacGregor unveiled the Group's strategic roadmap, to reaffirm ENGIE as a leader in the energy transition. In addition to EVBox, we expect to execute disposals of around 2 billion, aligned with the group simplification. We have a French-regulated asset base of 28 billion, which makes us one of Europes largest gas network operators and a growing footprint in networks internationally. Hopefully, thats an easy one, but would be very helpful. Both include the construction of new substations and upgrades to existing substations and are expected to be commissioned in the second half of this year. Thats one thing. Elle travaille pendant 23 ans chez Schlumberger. And also, is there any possibility to reverse the decision on the Belgium life extension should the Belgium government change its stance this year? We will now take the next question from Meike Becker with Bernstein. How the biggest companies plan mass lay-offs, The benefits of revealing neurodiversity in the workplace, Tim Peake: I do not see us having a problem getting to Mars, Michelle Yeoh: Finally we are being seen, Our ski trip made me question my life choices, Apocalypse then: lessons from history in tackling climate shocks. Siga o link abaixo e deixe seu apoio a esta poltica de incluso necessria ao nosso pas. For more information and how to manage your privacy settings, please refer to our privacy and cookie policies. Les miroirs magiques et moulins vent ne seront jamais une alternative au nuclaire franais, Premium Digital includes access to our premier business column, Lex, as well as 15 curated newsletters covering key business themes with original, in-depth reporting. MacGregor said: I would like to thank the board of directors for the confidence it shows in me. First, we recorded significant impairments mainly driven by the 2.9 billion nuclear impairment caused by the change in lifetime assumption for Belgian nuclear reactors as well as by changes in the commodity price scenario. Engie plans to accelerate its development in renewables, by increasing the target for renewables capacity commissioned from 3 GW p.a. So the what is happening here in France on biomethane is actually quite real, and so we are now looking at potentially having sufficient volume to fully displace what will be needed in gas at the 2050 horizon. Chef d'Agence Filire Vente Centre Ouest chez GRDF, Thank you Catherine Fiamma MacGregor for your post that combine strategy, progress and well-balanced energy mix (#renewable #gaz #power) to confirm meaning and a consistent vision to our company, not to mention the recognition. Currently, Catherine MacGregor holds the position of Chief Executive Officer for ENGIE SA. En 2020, elle est pressentie pour diriger Technip Energies, une socit en cours de cration base Paris d'environ 12000personnes issue de la scission de TechnipFMC en deux entits spares. On the following slide, Ill share our 2021 expectations for each business line. Ill start just to say that, I mean, youve identified, yes, two important aspects of our simplification efforts. Catherine MacGregor | 2021 Most Powerful Women International | Fortune Hosted by His Excellency Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, my dear friend His Excellency Parviz Shahbazov, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy, this is an important forum for advancing Europes #cleanenergy ambitions. All options for the sale of Equans, the newly-created services unit of French energy group Engie (ENGIE.PA), are being considered, including a possible listing, Chief Executive Catherine MacGregor . That's where the "trim tab" comes in. The current total coupon of 100 million per year has been reduced by 28% since 2017. And sorry, just a follow-up on the CapEx. offers FT membership to read for free. Catherine MacGregor - Biography Indeed, we had an increase a temporary increase in 2020 to 32.5%. We currently have leadership positions in all of these activities, and recent successes include a 30-year contract signed in Monaco to design, build, own and operate a seawater heating and cooling network that will enhance energy efficiency. These headwinds were partly offset by a 700 million positive change in working capital requirements from energy management activities driven by dynamic management of margin calls in 2020 in a context of extreme volatility of commodity prices. Lets now move to our Supply, Nuclear and Other activities. These negative effects were partially offset by the positive GFOM ruling in Brazil of approximately 165 million. All these strategic advances, which place our Group as a leader in the low-carbon transition, are the result of the exceptional commitment of all our teams! From 2019 to 2020, she was a member of TechnipFMC Executive Committee and the head of Technip Energies, So its a little bit of a total team, but we at this stage, that decision from the government hasnt been explicit. The Board of Directors decided on Catherine MacGregor's appointment as ENGIE's Chief Executive Officer on 2 October last year. This is what I am committed to. You certainly have a lot of people out here who want you to be very successful. #beyou #beunique #beunited ENGIE Africa And side comment also on this is that our employees are obviously very excited about renewable as being a growth center of a growth engine for us in ENGIE, so as well as obviously being a key goal of our ESG road map. Now that makes me and that makes the team, obviously, extremely motivated and optimistic that we are going to get the benefit from these tailwinds because, as a team, we are extremely focused in making sure that we do outperform, and outperform our peers, outperform the market. So this is becoming real. Starting with our biggest contributor, Latin America, we had 195 million headwind from FX and an unfavorable energy allocation for hydro in Brazil. And Judith? Find here the list of all the sessions presented by this speaker in order not to miss any of it. janvier 2021 en qualit de Directrice Gnrale. Engie has been riven in the past by fights between chairman and CEO and is a company where the board plays a big role in shaping strategy. Are you talking about Q3, Q4 for the end game? Recharge is part of DN Media Group AS. And Networks, given that we do, we continue to invest here in France into the RAB, you will see a relative quick turnaround into contribution. In summer 2019, she joined the Executive Committee of TechnipFMC Group, to lead its engineering division. Does this mean that Equans is now getting nothing? If you have an ad-blocker enabled you may be blocked from proceeding. Sure. Even if you ten-double the installations of these sources, the 40% remains.
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