lazysizes - v5.1.2 */ Arrival. Avoid sellouts and price increases. Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian to be on board with them; [CDATA[ */
Booking/Travel: Year-round. more offers + view all special offers. The annual pass must be presented at . Chat with us. All Rights Reserved. Ride a personal, self-propelled, electric underwater scooter through Oahu's underwater world. Parasailing is restricted to those 6 years of age or older. 3. 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Maximum 4 people per room. Volume 30, Number 7 January 2020 PHOTO: COURTESY DEBRA MAPEL Charles Miguel Sr. digging out the sand plug at Waialua Stream. Best . Honolulu, HI 96815, Click here to visit our Google My Business Profile. If you need immediate assistance, give us a call, and one of our operators will assist you or schedule a call back. Best Discount! In our experience, you practically have the entire boat to yourself so you dont have to share with people you dont know (aside from the crew, of course). Hop aboard your 12-person boat, soaring up into the skies with one or two other people for 10 minutes. We have been flying since 2013 and offers outstanding service and an unparalleled experience. Kamaaina Rates - Oahu and Maui Hotels - has four exciting packages for you to choose from. Hawaiian Parasail/Facebook. One being the Beginner Package at 700 Ft. Deluxe Parasailing at 850 Ft. What are you waiting for? SeaBreeze Watersports (H2O Hawaii Sports) offers the best parasailing experience in Hawaii. Please call or text our office for current kamaaina pricing. Robert is passionate about the environment and uses his writing to educate people about the advantages and importance of sustainable living. But this was not a cheap stay in June. /* Jet Skiing, Parasailing, & More | Watersport Fun | Book Today Put them in an album, share them to Instagram and tag us, or print your own post cards and mail them to friends. Resort will donate $10 per night in support of a local non-profit organization. The guides are experienced and will make you feel safe with their knowledge and briefings. Hawaiian Parasail - Top Oahu Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Sea Breeze Parasailing Rate (SBW1) $90.00 per Standard Parasail, $105.00 per Extreme Parasail, $50.00 per Observer (plus 4.72% Hawaii sales tax) Reserve Parasailing. Kama'aina Fall into Fun Rates from $221 on Ocean Rooms, 50% Off Self-Parking, and extra! Must be 5 yrs of age to ride the boat and participate; document.body.className = c; (This includes adults and supervised children from 3 years and up). Book and stay with us now through June 30, 2023. Life jackets are included with this Waikiki jet ski rental, and you can choose from a single or double ski for speeding through the turquoise waters. You can almost smell the sun and taste the rainbows as you experience a Hawaiian treat never to be forgotten. Discounts do not apply towards media or retail purchases. Departure. with validated privacy protection. See detailed directions here. You will need cash (in 1 dollar bills), quarters, or a credit card. Book Your Rooms. What about Waikiki Hilton Hawaiian Village? This will help to minimize any discomfort you may experience. Oahu Resort Packages & Offers | Four Seasons O'ahu at Ko Olina Register between 2/21/23 - 4/30/23 to earn 3,000 Bonus Points starting on your second . Save 10% off best available rate at Ilikai Hotel & Luxury Suites with our Government special. Plunging over streams and through the mud to reach remote areas, this adventure is a great way to see more of Oahu outside the resort and beach areas. Lets start things off on the right foot with the Honolulu Parasailing Experience! Make a shopping stop in the Prince Waikiki lobby. Photo packages available for purchase on the boat. Parasailing Oahu - Parasail 1000FT Over Waikiki Beach, Hawaii They even come pick you up and return you to your hotel in a complimentary shuttle. BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY. Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian fly with them; Kamaaina Rates | Outrigger Resorts & Hotels Following a guide, traverse the lush valley in an open-air 4WD vehicle to check out filming sites from Hollywood movies such as "Jurassic Park." Hop on board a shared boat, which is speedy and smooth. ",t);return false}if(l.exec(r)===null){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: Different domain. Please check in 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time and enjoy your activity! Plus, enjoy a sightseeing tour of Honolulu to see attractions such as theKing Kamehameha Statue and the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl Cemetery). Why choose Hawaiian Parasail? This parasailing crew has had over 30 years of experience, and it shows in their professionalism and how well they teach newbies how to parasail. As you can probably deduce from the name, you get to choose different lengths of line all the way up to an impressive 750 feet! Limited Time Offer: 15% Off . ");return true}return false}function d(){if(R!==null){return R}R=h();return R}if(!window.requestIdleCallback){window.requestIdleCallback=function(e,t){var t=t||{};var n=1;var r=t.timeout||n;var;return setTimeout(function(){e({get didTimeout(){return t.timeout?>r},timeRemaining:function(){return Math.max(0,n+(}})},n)}}if(!window.cancelIdleCallback){window.cancelIdleCallback=function(e){clearTimeout(e)}}let p=function(e,t){c.logLcpEvent("MUTATION_DETECTED",e);clearTimeout(D);D=setTimeout(P,500,e)};let g=function(e,t="",n=false){if(O.indexOf(e)>-1){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: URL is already prefetched. Our photography service will help you keep memories of your trip alive forever. This parasailing tour will have you soaring above the waters of Maunalua Bay for views of the Hawaii Kai coastline, Koko Head and the Koolau Mountain Range. Hampton Inn & Suites Oahu/Kapolei, HI - FREE Breakfast Prepay & Save. jQuery(function($){ ");return}if(!n&&!a()){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: on cooldown",e);return}if(d()){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: limited connection",e);return}const r=document.createElement("link");r.rel="prefetch";r.type="text/html";r.href=e;document.head.appendChild(r);O.push(e);;c.logPrefetch(e,t);return true};function m(t){let e=document.querySelector("body");while(t!=e){if(L(t)){t=t.parentElement;c.logOther("Skipping LCP container level: Inside a