Now Im paying for a $900 5G capable phone that SUCKS! I never received the $200 credit for upgrade promised in store due to customer service error. I have the Galaxy S10+, Add me, I use t-mobile also and cannot access anything hardly as far as connecting to internet. Were so sure that youll be happy with FairShakes services, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Offered me a new one but told me we would have to pay for my husbands and get a new line. My wife and I were told to switch to 5G for better reception but it was necessary to change our phone numbers. I had 4 devices, Same thing has happen to me I have 3 lines with sprint with one supposedly be free from a promotional event but I pay almost $250 a month and they changed my plan without my knowledge and prices while I cant get service in my home I have to use my Wi-Fi to do anything on my phone. The website I go to online are coming up not secure . They are really a light for us in a very hard time. Please add me. These lawsuits allow them to get damages for their pain and suffering. The T-Mobile class action lawsuit argues that more than 50 million customers' confidential proprietary information (CPI) and customer proprietary network information (CPNI) was disclosed to third parties without their consent. T-Mobile Data Breach Class Action Lawsuit Overview: Who: Stephen J.Vash filed a class action lawsuit against T-Mobile on behalf of himself and about 100 million of the company's customers. Every month it goes up. It appears the problem gets worse, with each update. In the proposed. These are your options for making your complaint against T-Mobile official. I want out without the tremendous fee that comes with early termination, Add me please tmobile has ruined my roomates and myselfs trust or belief in any Honest phone carries. Top Class Actions is a legal news website that covers class action litigation, settlements, drug harm claims, and product liability lawsuits. On July 2, 2020, T-Mobile shut down Sprints 5G network. And changed our equipment contract from 6 months to 9 months just so that they could say we hadnt paid our devices off. T-Mobile customers file class action lawsuits as investigation finds 53 One of the lawsuits also accuses T-Mobile of violating the Washington State Consumer Protection Act for having poor data security. You can choose to initiate the arbitration process completely on your own. Please add me as well. Easily worst customer experience Ive ever had with a company. I texted why you cut off the phone what have I done work. Where: T-Mobile and Verizon are used by consumers nationwide. More information on the settlement can be found here. Their Verizon towers that wont allow Tmobile to use them. Weve been there and done that, and know how to help. T-Mobile Data Breach Settlement: What You Need to Know I had Sprint for mobile hotspot for 6 years. Add me to the list. I have two LG tablets and an iPad that no longer have service and I still have to pay the monthly lease. Best of the Best. Plus they said they would send a boost to get service near my home. I contacted T-Mobile regarding this same issue as well as the FCC regrading 5G network and no service. This material is not intended to be legal advice. Never had any problems with Sprint until this happened. Add me to this lawsuit please. lawsuits can be viewedhere. Add me to this lawsuit as well. No compensation other than them to say to return them and start a new lease even though I made all the payments already. T- Mobile has agreed to pay $350 million to customers affected by a class action lawsuit filed after the company disclosed last August that personal data like social security numbers had. NOW WATCH: Customers expect CEOs to take action against climate change now more than ever, Unilever executive says. Gary E. Mason, who is responsible for this advertising, may be reached at: Mason Lietz & Klinger LLP is a law firm based in New York City. Former customers should also change their PIN if they used the same or similar PIN as their T-Mobile account. So I hurry up and play store google it was proving fact I was getting hack my wireless cricket was noice. As we are in a rural and terrain subject area so all comunications including wifi hot spot and 911 were cut off and went from 3 to 0 bars. Im pretty sure its only on one and not for long at all. So I would have to go back to the T-mobile store that I received the printout from. iPhone 7s and I got this hunk of junk. PLEASE ADD ME!! Those affected have. NWIDA - reddit Hell I was ready to do that but now they cant seem to put me through to the guy that offered that. Verizon, T-Mobile face class action lawsuit claims over accessibility Some of the most common complaints against wireless carriers like T-Mobile include: You may feel like its time to file a lawsuit just to get something done. My Iphone 8 suddenly stopped working. I received think 12/13. Your information will instead be submitted to an attorney or claims processing company for a private assessment and possible representation. I am having trouble getting and making phone calls and texts. Long story short had to call every month to have my bill corrected. I thought I was going nuts. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. My service has gone to almost nothing. They did the same thing to me. So I was hack before. Tayler Walters works with consumers in class action lawsuits to combat unfair business practices by corporations. You can see our complete guide to filing a small claims T-Mobile lawsuit. And no means to replace them. Privacy Policy | All of the photographs on this page are of models, not clients. She also leads the firms Voting Rights Task Force. The article does not contain contact information. People who own cell phones are always worried about getting into accidents due to their faulty devices. Before commenting, please review our comment policy. If you received direct notice from T-Mobile, letting you know that you were affected, contact our law firm for a free, confidential evaluation of your claims. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest tech news and scoops delivered daily to your inbox. THIS IS A PAID ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT, AND THE PARTICIPATING ATTORNEY(S) ARE INCLUDED BECAUSE THEY PAY AN ADVERTISING FEE. This is probably the stupidest thing ever. In my area I have to use my wifi just to make calls. Although your contract may prohibit litigation, Small Claims Court is not the same thing. Mass arbitration is different than traditional litigation, which involves filing a formal lawsuit with the court and potentially going to trial. Ive had TMobile for a few years now and switched to 5g when it came out, they told me the area I lived had 5g but then when I got my 5g phone there was pretty much no 5g at all. I pay for a service that I cannot use whenever I choose. I had to give up a very good phone and buy a new one. Pasadena, CA 91105 P (626) 550-1250, Disclaimer|Privacy Policy | 2013-2023 All Rights| 1 (800) 467-5241. Ready to start your claim? Please add me. My IPhone 7 became unusable. Ive been a Sprint customer since 1985. Please add me to the law suit. Check out our list of Class Action Lawsuits and Class Action Settlements you may qualify to join! T-Mobile customers could now be at risk of identity theft and fraud for many years to come, and legal action could help compensate people for the cost of these additional damages. With or without speaker Found out T-mobile is controlling the phone on there in. Class Action Information on Products, Lawsuits, & Settlements Add me plus they sold me 3 Galaxy watch 4 LTE that wont work on their networks before the merger. Two class action lawsuits were filed against the wireless carrier as customers seek compensation. We were upset about it. Service is terrible and bill is not what we were told when switching. Well this just explains why things are going crazy lately. If you complain about this enough to these I dont know I dont even know what to call him anymore. All About T-Mobile Lawsuits - FairShake Certain states give citizens up to $1000 for helping to enforce their data breachlaws. I totally agree with this. I will be going to another provider. I am not a lawyer and cannot answer this question."}}]}. Adding T-Mobile SIM card has not resolved issues with service on my sprint phone. A T Mobile Class Action Lawsuit Settlement is the perfect way for a person who suffered injuries to file a lawsuit against the company. I have had T-mobile for more than 10 years. v. T-Mobile USA Inc., Case No. Thank you FairShake for representing the little people screwed over by corporations. Rather than offer owners of these phones free upgrades, customers would have to switch their phone and phone plan to a new offering from T-Mobile, the plaintiff alleges. In general, you don't need to do anything to "join" a class action. Literally called a liar. Not only has no one been getting 5G, I cannot get any service through Sprint. My brother Cordel McGraw is having the same issues and wants to know I believe the phone was refurbished and/or. For more on how to use arbitration to take legal action against T-Mobile start here. Let us know in the comments. Many people who experience problems with companies like T-Mobile find themselves dealing with the fallout for months, and sometimes years. We have been T-Mobile customers since 2018. I have been speaking to T-Mobile almost everyday for a month, I used to have Tmobile service with their phones and so Ive been with them a little but not very long while trying to cut the phone bill by paying like half the price of my phone bills and then they start raising the cost from like 50 or 60 or 75$ and then raise the price up around like up to 120$ on my billing statements after taxes. I lose service all the time. Box 7635 Contact our consumer protection attorneys to see if you may be eligible for a claim under your states laws. T-Mobile reset the PINs associated with these accounts and is also offering additional protection services like McAfee's ID Theft Protection Service and Account Takeover Protection capabilities for all customers. In December 2021 I made a mobile phone purchase over the phone with T-Mobile. T-Mobile has reportedly suffered five recent data breaches. F (724) 656-1556, 1350 Columbia Street Because Im a Sprint customer and they and T-Mobile sent me emails briefing me on the details. If we dont recover money for you, you wont owe us anything. Add me to lawsuit, T-Mobile was supposed to issue me $400 worth of credit which took them two months and they finally issued me a $200 credit but then added 400 more dollars to my freaking bill to make it for a total of $800 for the month when my bill was only in fact supposed to be 80 bucks I called T-Mobile and try to explain what they had done but they said unless I paid the full $898 that my account would be suspended and I would be sent to collections then they added on top of that the cost of the devices so they are now claiming that I owed them 1800 fucking bucksthey can suck my balls and my 5G service never workedcuz the phone was faulty how to replace the phone so yes please add me to the class action lawsuit, T-mobile 3 phones no 5g or service were we are they said we had 5g in our area, we got nothing pls add me, I was with Sprint for a few years, after the T-Mobil merge I put the T-Mobil Sim card in and my phone was often stalling with the message Activating device, the phone was already activated.
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